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Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Journey of a "lost" girl "found" deep... to be perfected as a true Woman of God!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

A call... plays deep within me

Many times have I thought to come back to writing. It did help me then on different levels and I always know it will continue to do the same to me.

Its not inspiration that has let me stop writing. Just that they were in my heart nad not let out on a sheet.

The day is not too far. Yes 3 years have passed, Theres a lot to share. Experiences that can really build someone.

I have drifted like many others not because I wanted to but experiences make you that way. The best part is I always hung onto the Lord knowing I have His heart to reside in. HE knows I need HIm just as much as HE needs me to be HIS precious.

Come on Lord.. as I always said... use me to Your best.. I await!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

God blesses us even if we dont realize it! :)

Ive known many people including my old self focusing on the things that don't go OUR way. Something wrong happens, we ask God, "WHY ME??? Why am I not blessed like many out there???". Everyone has problems in their life. How would we know that a True King lives if we were always happy? Some way or the other we are to be reminded that Christ Lives... in us! :)

A little reminder that God is in our midst at all times.. be it happy, be it sad. We need to thank Him for all those times, leading us to believe and have faith that He will make everything right (immovable faith is a must!). In short, its His blessings which we may not stop to realize. Hence, lets change the way we look at the not so good things that happen in our life and take it up as a lesson for us to know that God is Powerful, God is Good, God is Merciful.... He is Everything! :)

Its as simple as saying, you are breathing because of His grace :D

Only when you make His way your way, will you see the difference! ITS JUST SO AMAZING! :D

Monday, May 9, 2011

Jobless? Got a lot of time? Why waste when you can learn the answers to all your questions! ;)

YES! the Word of God! I have the Good News Bible which I received from the Church 17 years ago on the day of Holy Communion. I attended Catechism classes as it is called by the Catholic Church for the first 5 years (that was the end and nothing further was ever done at Church). 

Being very honest, I have no clue what I learned from it. All I can remember doing was we were given many questions to learn for the exam, by heart them and put it on paper and then we are said to know the Word! Thankfully my parents made us kids read the Bible at home. They would explain to us if we dint understand yet that was just not enough. Only if I knew about those Bible study classes that friends from other Churches went to. But you know what, God has His timing. He just knew that no matter it was 17 years ago or now, He will bring the Word to me, He would make me want to know about it all! Wow! God sure is amazing in His ways! :)

Very often or every single time we dont have an answer, we ask God to tell us or we make our own answers in our heart to sort of console ourselves or even keep wandering about worrying and stressed about finding it. Oh boy, I missed out so much in the earlier part of my life. For those who still dont know about the Word which is the Bible, it sure is a blessing to read and understand it as that is the only place where you can find the answers to all your questions. This will totally amazr you just as it has to me! Every time I read the New Testament, I would hit my head and say, "Oh there it is!" :D 

I would have read the same verse years ago before I was saved but it would never register in my head. This isnt just me but has happened to many of His children. Why? Because we werent craving to know about it. It is important that we ask for it through His Word and then everything starts to be VERY clear. There is NO room for confusion as it is not from our God! :). Make use of your free time speanding it on the Word. 

Read the Word today.. Read the Word everyday... You could feel lost or wondering trying to understand it but keep reading... its never a burden.. continue fellowship.. get to Bible classes and then know the TRUE meaning of life that He has given! :)